Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain

Affordable Annfield Plain Asbestos Removal Services

Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain County Durham (DH9): In Britain, around five thousand people die every year from health issues caused by exposure to asbestos products, according to HSE (Health & Safety Executive) statistics. The risks to health that are caused by asbestos means that if you are looking to remove and dispose of any asbestos items from your Annfield Plain home, it's important you seek specialist guidance to undertake the task safely. If you're doing building works and suddenly encounter asbestos materials that you weren't aware of, you must seek the advice of a certified asbestos professional and also stop working in the affected area straight away. So as to be able to advise on the most effective way to make the area safe, a certified Annfield Plain asbestos removal specialist will examine the questionable material and evaluate the situation.

Annfield Plain Asbestos Removal Quotes

When confronted with asbestos removal in Annfield Plain there are specific situations where a non-certified contractor can do the work required. But, due to the long lasting impact on health from asbestos dust and fibres, it's always preferable to use experienced asbestos removal professionals. Always use a specialist Annfield Plain asbestos removal contractor who follows the necessary Health & Safety Executive guidelines and that has had professional training in the industry.

Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain County Durham (DH9)


Asbestos is not dangerous when left undisturbed. Asbestos can unleash tiny particles or fibres into the surrounding air only when cut, damaged or scraped. Asbestosis is the medical condition caused by asbestos fibres entering into the lungs and becoming trapped. These fibres or particles are also a contributing factor to the onset of lung cancer.

There is no known cure for asbestosis and the scarring to the lungs caused by the asbestos fibres cannot be reversed.

Symptoms for asbestosis can include:

  • Acute Shortness of Breath
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Wheezing
  • Pain in the Shoulder or Chest
  • Chronic Cough

If you've been in contact with asbestos over time, and you experience any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment to see your doctor and seek expert medical advice.

Asbestos Removal Companies Annfield Plain (01207)


Asbestos was used extensively in UK building and construction from 1945 to 1985, but was only banned from being used in 1999. Many older properties may therefore have asbestos in some portion of the structure. Asbestos could be present in any section of an older structure because it was employed as a fireproofing and insulating product in lots of different areas.

If you do discover asbestos in your home in Annfield Plain, it doesn't represent an immediate hazard. Don't forget that asbestos is generally only dangerous to health if disturbed. There are certain cases whereby it might be better to leave the asbestos in place, making certain that it isn't disturbed or damaged. You should ask for assistance from a certified asbestos removal contractor if you are unsure about the risks posed by any asbestos materials in your property in Annfield Plain.

Specific asbestos materials are of a higher health risk than others. Due to how different asbestos products are manufactured and their likelihood of releasing harmful fibres into the environment, products such as asbestos insulation boards, loose fill cavity insulations and pipe lagging are classed as a higher risk to health than roofing panels and asbestos cement sheets. Only a certified asbestos removal contractor in Annfield Plain is able to identify, remove and get rid of any items containing asbestos, in a safe, secure and environmentally friendly fashion.

Asbestos Removal Quotes in Annfield Plain County Durham (DH9)

If there's a requirement for certified asbestos removal work to be done then the contractor must inform the local authority or the Health & Safety Executive, depending on the sort of property and its usage. The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 are the guidelines that your chosen asbestos removal firm must observe so as to protect work areas and individuals from asbestos particles and fibre.

If you don't hold a certified Health & Safety Executive asbestos permit you can be prosecuted if you carry out any asbestos removal work which calls for a licensed contractor to complete the project.

Asbestos Removal Near Annfield Plain (01207)


When any asbestos has been stripped away from your Annfield Plain home it is then labelled as hazardous waste. Any hazardous waste, in particular that containing asbestos, has stringent guidelines for the manner in which it can be disposed of safely. A registered asbestos removal contractor will be familiar with the appropriate guidelines and laws set out by the local authority and the Health & Safety Executive for the disposal of the hazardous waste.

The Carriage of Dangerous Goods Act 2009 (CDG 2009) covers the transport and disposal of asbestos material if it's in the form of loose fibres or is damaged and likely to release dangerous particles. The CDG 2009 act stipulates a separate waste carrier's license is required and that the asbestos waste must be disposed of in a certified hazardous waste disposal site that's approved by the government. By using a local Annfield Plain asbestos removal specialist you don't need to be concerned with these details as they'll comply with all the regulations and legislation; including the storage of all documents pertaining to the work for three years, at least.


Before any actual work begins on removing any suspect materials from your Annfield Plain property you will need to verify that it is in fact asbestos. Professional testing will determine the presence or absence of asbestos and the licensing that's necessary for the removal and disposing of it. If you choose not to perform a professional examination on an older building, you have to presume there is asbestos present and take all the necessary precautions.

A licensed asbestos surveyor will carry out all inspections, analysis and sampling should be independent of your appointed asbestos removal contractor.

Asbestos Disposal Annfield Plain County Durham

The local authority or HSE must be advised at least 2 weeks before any work begins of any asbestos removal that calls for a licensed company to perform the task. An experienced contractor will supply all of the appropriate documentation which should include: 1. A definitive strategy for sample testing and also cleaning up when the job is completed. 2. All certificates needed for the contractor and its workers to carry out the project, covering; hazardous waste disposal, medical, sample testing, work licenses, risk assessments and training. 3. A written work declaration of the legislation, guidelines and regulations for the job. 4. If needed, due to the nature of asbestos removal work, there'll be a systematic check of the four stages of clearances and a Certificate of Reoccupation will then be granted.

Adequate personal protective equipment will be provided for all individuals working on the site, by the asbestos removal firm, and they'll also ensure the appropriate method of disposal of any asbestos waste materials.


Before you pick out an asbestos removal business in the Annfield Plain area, establish their membership of and affiliation with recognised associations within the asbestos sector.

UKATA - The UK Asbestos Training Association, is a non-profit agency which offers the highest quality training and education to the all those within the asbestos sector. From the individual householder to the biggest company, UKATA has a study course with recognised qualifications for anyone; these qualifications can be validated by using their online search facility.

ATaC - The Asbestos Testing and Consultancy Association (ATac) provides guidance and qualifications for asbestos testing laboratories, analysts and surveyors. It's a UKAS accredited professional association and its members are accepted as experts in the field of asbestos.

ARCA - The Asbestos Removal Contractors Association is the principal industry organisation for companies and contractors working in the hazardous asbestos removal and disposal industry. By providing support, guidance and training to their highly respected members, ARCA is focused on promoting safe working practices and professionalism within the asbestos removal industry.

Book Asbestos Removal in Annfield Plain UK

Asbestos surveys and asbestos removal services are available to homes and businesses in Annfield Plain itself and additionally in nearby areas such as Harelaw, Tantobie, South Moor, Tanfield Lea, Dipton, New Kyo, Harperley, East Castle, Catchgate, Maiden Law, Iveston, Oxhill, Quaking Houses, and in these postcodes: DH9 7TD, DH9 7UP, DH9 8HT, DH9 8EF, DH9 8LN, DH9 8JH, DH9 7JQ, DH9 7LD, DH9 8DY, and DH9 7HS. Locally based Annfield Plain asbestos removal specialists will likely have the postcode DH9 and the dialling code 01207. Verifying this can ensure you are accessing local providers of asbestos removal. Annfield Plain property owners will be able to benefit from these and many other asbestos related services. If you want to get a price quote for asbestos removal, you can do so by simply clicking on the "Quote" banner.

Asbestos Awareness Courses Annfield Plain

Asbestos Awareness Courses Annfield Plain (DH9)

Courses for asbestos awareness are run all around the British Isles and are intended to prepare anyone who may encounter asbestos, with advice on the appropriate ways to avoid disturbing asbestos during their normal work. It needs to be emphasised, an asbestos awareness course does not make it possible for an individual to remove, work with, or be responsible for disposing of licensed asbestos material in any respect. However, both supervisors and employees must be able to recognise asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and know what to do if they run into them, in order to protect themselves and others who may come into contact with them.

Asbestos awareness covers topics that individuals need to know about this hazardous material, including things like:

  • What you should do in case of asbestos being disturbed or particles being circulated into the immediate area
  • Places where you're likely to encounter asbestos
  • Asbestos exposure and the dangers it poses to health
  • Asbestos protection procedures

Online courses are a handy way to gain a qualification in asbestos awareness in Annfield Plain, with certificates presented immediately on course completion. An online course could quite possibly be the best alternative if you aren't able to find a physical asbestos awareness course in the Annfield Plain area.

Asbestos Surveys Annfield Plain

Asbestos Surveys Annfield Plain (01207)

There's a good chance that any property put up in Annfield Plain during the period 1850 to 1999 will contain asbestos of some sort. Popular because of its heat and chemical resistant qualities, it was for many years a favoured building material. During the 1970s and 80s it was discovered that asbestos causes many health problems, including lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma, laryngeal cancer, kidney cancer and pleural thickening.

In 1985 both blue (crocidolite) and brown (amosite) asbestos was banned in Great Britain, and in 1999 all kinds of asbestos were banned. Asbestos surveys are required in many situations, seeing as many buildings that were completed prior to 1999 still contain asbestos.

There are 2 main kinds of asbestos survey carried out on buildings in Annfield Plain.

  • Asbestos Management Surveys (formerly Type 2)
  • Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys (formerly Type 3)

Asbestos Management Surveys Annfield Plain: The intention of an Asbestos Management Survey in Annfield Plain is to monitor asbestos containing materials (ACMs) during normal use and occupation of a property. So long as ACMs are in good shape and are left undisturbed, they don't present much risk to a building's occupants. But, risks can exist if they are disturbed, damaged or in poor condition, and minute asbestos fibres are discharged into the environment.

Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys Annfield Plain: When there are plans for restoring or demolishing a building in Annfield Plain, an Asbestos Refurbishment/Demolition Survey will be necessary. Most often ARD surveys are undertaken on Annfield Plain buildings which are vacant, because a considerable amount of damage can be inflicted by one of these surveys. These must be performed before the start of any refurbishment, upgrading or demolition work. The existence of any ACMs will be established during this survey, and methods to safely manage or remove such materials can be put in place. Regardless of the size of the renovations, any management agents, professionals and occupants involved are responsible for organising these ARD surveys, in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015.

Artex Removal Annfield Plain

Back in the 70s and 80s it was pretty common for both tradespeople and do-it-yourselfers in Annfield Plain, to apply a coating of Artex to their walls and ceilings. The textured, flexible finish of Artex was efficient for covering up defects, inconsistencies and cracks in these surfaces. With regards to ceilings, Artex typically replaced the earlier craze of polystyrene tiles which became notorious as a serious fire risk.

Artex Removal Annfield Plain County Durham

The paradox is that these people were merely changing one dangerous material for another, given that Artex contained asbestos. The real perils of asbestos in building materials weren't fully recognised at this stage of course, and it wasn't banned in Britain until the late 90s. There are still hundreds of properties in Annfield Plain which have areas of Artex, and provided that it isn't disturbed in any way, it is moderately safe.

Although textured coating removal is currently classified as a non-licenced project, if you have a home or business premises in Annfield Plain that has Artex on the ceilings, you should never try to remove it by yourself. The safest way to get your Artex removed is to call in a local Annfield Plain asbestos removal contractor, who will carry out the correct processes for safely testing and removing any asbestos containing Artex Artex from your home.

Asbestos Sampling Annfield Plain

Asbestos Sampling

The analysis of dubious materials to establish whether or not they contain any asbestos is a process called asbestos sampling or testing. If you've got a material suspected of containing asbestos in your home in Annfield Plain, a sample should be taken and sent to be analysed. Amongst the most common asbestos containing materials (ACMs) found in Annfield Plain buildings are: sprayed coatings, insulation board, duct/pipe lagging, sealants, sheet roofing, shed roofs and textured coatings (Artex). Any Annfield Plain building that's undergoing major refurbishments, and was built before 2000 will need to be tested for ACMs before work can begin.

All assessments of ACMs must be performed by a UKAS accredited company (ISO 17025), in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Whilst searching on the web for "asbestos testing" or "asbestos sampling", you may notice asbestos testing kits, which might seem more appealing and less costly than going through the rigmarole of hiring a professional laboratory. However, it's neither advisable or reliable to use these for determining whether materials in your property have asbestos in them. Make sure you use a professional company for your asbestos testing and sampling - keep safe, even if the cost is a little higher.

Asbestos Air Monitoring Annfield Plain

Ensuring air quality safety in locations with potential asbestos fiber contamination relies on the critical process of asbestos air monitoring. To detect and measure airborne asbestos particles, certified specialists conduct routine air monitoring. Safety regulations are met as a result of determining the effectiveness of asbestos abatement procedures. Continuous monitoring during asbestos removal or renovation projects in Annfield Plain helps safeguard occupants and workers from exposure risks. Involving specialised equipment, asbestos air monitoring collects air samples for analysis in accredited laboratories. A key role in protecting public health and preventing asbestos-related ailments is played by prompt and accurate monitoring. (57483)

Asbestos Removal and Disposal Quotes Annfield Plain (DH9)

Asbestos Removal Tasks Annfield Plain

Asbestos removal companies should be able to help with asbestos tile removal, the removal of asbestos, building waste removal, asbestos waste removal Annfield Plain, corrugated asbestos removal, asbestos inspections, asbestos replacement, asbestos surveys, chrysotile white asbestos removal Annfield Plain, asbestos encapsulation in Annfield Plain, asbestos removal estimates Annfield Plain, ethical asbestos disposal, asbestosis prevention, brown asbestos removal Annfield Plain, asbestos abatement, environmental cleaning Annfield Plain, asbestos roof removal, lead paint testing, house clearance, reinstatement services in Annfield Plain, soft strip demolition Annfield Plain, asbestos insulation removal, asbestos floor tile removal, licensed asbestos removal Annfield Plain, asbestos air testing, fly tipping clearance, asbestos ceiling removal in Annfield Plain, Artex asbestos removal Annfield Plain, the removal of asbestos popcorn ceilings, the removal of asbestos ceiling tiles, domestic asbestos survey Annfield Plain, asbestos dismantling in Annfield Plain, and other hazardous waste related work. Listed are just a few of the duties that are accomplished by those installing asbestos removal. Annfield Plain providers will let you know their full range of asbestos removal services.

Asbestos Removal Training Courses

Asbestos Removal Courses Annfield Plain

ATaC provide plenty of asbestos related training courses, for anybody who wishes to get the necessary qualifications for asbestos removal, asbestos management, asbestos surveying and asbestos analysis. The courses currently available are RSPH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Surveying, RSPH Level 4 Certificate in Asbestos Laboratory and Project Management, RSPH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Air Monitoring, RSPH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Bulk Analysis and Remote RSH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Management for Dutyholders. These qualifications are offered through the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), and have been specifically created for industry experts participating in asbestos management, who are working within UKAS endorsed companies.

Construction Products That Might Contain Asbestos

  • Floor Tiles (Especially Those Installed Between 1920 and 1960)
  • Composites (Window Sills, Toilet Cisterns and Bath Panels)
  • Pipe Lagging
  • Rope Seals and Gaskets (Especially on Boilers)
  • Asbestos Cement Products (Cladding, Downpipes and Roof Sheets)
  • Asbestos Insulating Boards (Fire Door Panels, Partition Walls and Ceiling Tiles
  • Sprayed Coatings on Ceilings, Walls, Columns and Beams
  • Textured Coatings (Older Types of Artex and Polytex)
  • Textiles (Fire Blankets, Heat-Resistent Gloves and Protective Overalls)
  • Roofing Felt (Especially on Garages and Outbuildings)

Information, Help and Social Media

Asbestos Removal Advice Annfield Plain

If you'd like to discover more about asbestos, you will find details of the recycling and disposal of asbestos, early uses of asbestos, the health issues caused by asbestos, the regulation of asbestos around the world, the occurrence of asbestos in nature, the different sorts of asbestos & asbestos fibres, places where asbestos is currently legal, alternatives to asbestos in construction and the production of asbestos, by going to Wikipedia. With a quick search on the internet you can read plenty of invaluable articles on high-risk occupations which encounter asbestos, where asbestos comes from and how asbestos can cause cancer - we were able to find this interesting one on asbestos click here. To track down recommended and approved asbestos removal contractors in Annfield Plain you can head to the website of the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association. Get the most up-to-date guidance and advice regarding asbestos and how to dispose of it from your local authority here.

Some UK Occupations Most at Risk of Asbestosis (Mesothelioma)

  (In No Particular Order)

  • Mates to Metal, Electrical & Related Fitters
  • Electrical Energy, Boiler & Plant Operatives
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Vehicle & Coach Body Builders
  • Construction Workers
  • Electrical Maintenance Engineers
  • Plumbers
  • Carpenters & Joiners
  • Riveters
  • Metal Working Maintenance & Production Fitters
  • Sheet Metal Workers

  (Source: HSE Study 2009)

Asbestos Removal Nearby

Also find: Dipton asbestos removal, Catchgate asbestos removal, Harelaw asbestos removal, Harperley asbestos removal, East Castle asbestos removal, Tanfield Lea asbestos removal, South Moor asbestos removal, Tantobie asbestos removal, Iveston asbestos removal, Oxhill asbestos removal, New Kyo asbestos removal, Quaking Houses asbestos removal, Maiden Law asbestos removal and more. Asbestos removal services are available in practically all of these places. Householders in the region can obtain estimates for asbestos removal by going here.

Asbestos Removal Services Annfield Plain

Get Asbestos Removal in Annfield Plain Here
Asbestos Removal Quotes Annfield Plain County Durham
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Removal Prices
  • Annfield Plain Commercial Asbestos Removal
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Inspections
  • Annfield Plain Hazardous Material Removal
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Removal
  • Annfield Plain Biohazard Removal
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Disposal
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Testing
  • Annfield Plain Hazardous Waste Removal
  • Annfield Plain Residential Asbestos Removal
  • Annfield Plain Industrial Asbestos Removal
  • Annfield Plain Asbestos Removal Quotes
  • Annfield Plain Waste Removal
  • Annfield Plain Domestic Asbestos Removal

To obtain local Annfield Plain information take a look here

Asbestos Removal in DH9 area, (dialling code 01207).

TOP - Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain

Biohazard Removal Annfield Plain - Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain - Asbestos Survey Annfield Plain - Asbestos Encapsulation Annfield Plain - Commercial Asbestos Removal Annfield Plain - Asbestos Removal Companies Annfield Plain - Removing Asbestos Annfield Plain - Hazardous Waste Removal Annfield Plain - Asbestos Removal Quotations Annfield Plain


(This asbestos removal Annfield Plain page was updated on 24-07-2024)